Tuesday, September 26, 2017

3538 East Fairmount Street

I found this mailbox with a political theme on March 23rd.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

1705 South Jones Boulevard

This fun mailbox is along the top of a wall at the north side of the complex (the front side, along 28th Street):

It's not actually used for mail…

I took the photo on January 19, 2017.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

128-136 East 17th Street

This mailbox is an amazing hodge-podge. The front of the cinder-block post has bluish tiles in different patterns. On the top edge, a green stone plaque has the name Montaño’s. Wrapped around that is a steel vine with a butterfly on top!

This was the last — and most eclectic — of the four mailboxes I spotted on January 12th.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Marvelous Meyer #3: 496 South

Third in our series of mailboxes along a block or so of South Meyer Avenue is this decrepit old box with three house number plates hanging jaggedly above.

I was there on January 12th.