Wednesday, November 29, 2017

5212 East Rosewood Street

David Aber calls this the Lizard Box. His photo is from April 28, 2017.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Near 29th & Old Spanish Trail

David Aber took and sent these photos on May 1st, 2017. He wrote:

They aren’t true mailboxes any more. They’ve been repurposed. I doubt the Postmaster General would be very happy to find out their new use.

The first Doggiebox (1, 2 & 3) was found in the 1800 Block of S. Sunburst Dr. The second Doggiebox (6, 7 & 8) was found in the 1500 Block of S. Desert Vista Dr. When you see the photos you’ll understand why there isn't an address. Both are in the same neighborhood, so I’m guessing they were put there by the Neighborhood Association.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

10610 East Camino Quince

David Aber found this Fire Truck mailbox. He wrote that "It’s a bit hard to tell for certain, but I think it … is a mailbox cover. Looks like it was made with a mix of hand-crafting and used parts."

I like the way that the grille seems to open for mail. It makes me wonder what USPS letter carriers think when they make a delivery to a creative box like this… I guess it's obvious where to put the mail?

His photos are from May 1, 2017. Thanks, as always, Dave!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

2021 South Sunburst Drive

It's a great box, but what is it?

David Aber, who snapped this photo on May 1, 2017, wrote "The Housebox (or, it could be a church or a schoolhouse?)" and that "it’s a mailbox cover and appears to me to be hand-crafted." (By "mailbox cover", we mean, typically, a printed layer of plastic that's put over the mailbox — vs. paint.) We don't aim to show stand-alone mailbox covers that are probably ordered from a factory — or other standard mailboxes— just Tucson originals.