Monday, August 26, 2019

6317 East Calle Castor

A few weeks ago, I posted a mailbox like this one — but more stylized. Another one, with the mailbox partly surrounded by rocks, is at 2222 East Helen Street.

Monday, August 19, 2019

8315 East Calexico Street

mailboxes with big stuccoed posts because there are so many around town. But this mailbox — which is buried in an extravagantly-decorated post — has gotta be an exception to the rule.

I (couldn't miss it as I) drove by on June 21st.

Monday, August 12, 2019

8407 East Calexico Street

I've seen a few mailboxes around town with posts made of a cage full of rocks. This is one of them.

I found it on June 21st. Here's the other side.

Monday, August 5, 2019

1822 South Camino Seco

This hand-painted mailbox looked unfinished to me. A boy riding his bike told me that the box had been there since his family moved in — so I'm guessing it's as finished as it's going to be.

I wondered if his parents might come out, worried that a strange man :) was taking photos of their mailbox close to their son and his friend. So I didn't take time to snap the other side. But it's pure white, so there wasn't much to see. I rushed by on June 21st.