(Yes, really: East North Street. Just a couple of blocks east of this spot, south of Grant, are North Farwest Drive, North West Drive, North Midwest Drive, North Mideast Drive, North East Drive, and East South Drive. C’mon, Tucson street namers, this is almost as bad as addresses in Utah like 400 East 400 South. Say what?? :)
Anyway, this little one-block stub of North East Street — just west of Swan — has one of the most fun mailboxes I've seen so far. It's painted white with red lines, to look like a barn. The black post is covered by bright red suspension springs. On top is a piece of steel with the owners’ names cut out by what I'd guess is a welding torch...
Just across the street is one of my favorite hidden Tucson murals.
I ducked into North Street to check my map for a bicycle tour I'm planning to lead during the spring Artists’ Open Studios with Bike Fest 2015. I was there on March 21st.