Tuesday, August 23, 2016

4000 West Gates Pass Road

Driving toward Gates Pass on August 8th, I rolled past a mailbox that looked custom-built. I found a parking place and walked downhill to have a closer look. It's partly a rust-like color (same as the rusted finish that's popular on metal these days) but with some yellow splotches or flakes. It has a critter flag and a base that looks a little bit like a fire hydrant.

I didn't see any street number on a sign, in little plates stuck to the box, etc. There weren't many homes in the area, but I spotted one up the road with a number around 4100. Then I came back to give this box a closer look.
Aha. Along the post are four numbers made from steel rods. They're backward in the second shot above, but you can see that they say 4000. Clever.

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